Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blue Canyon

Don't waste your time at the Blue Canyon in Missoula. I think the Happy Hour sign on the table says it all. Today is August 25 and it is specials for July. Really think this shows the non attention to detail.
Also heard how management won't replace the refrigeration unit until it fails. I also heard how the one person was so hung over today from the party they were at yesterday and it was after 8 o'clock at night.  I could care less about the private complaints or parties.

I don't know if this is a chain or not, but do not waste your time at the Blue Canyon in Missoula.

The title of this blog was my Favorite Restaurants and tonight I had to change it to my Favorite and Not So Favorite restaurants.

Just took a look at their web site and the last news release was in 2008.  It appears to me they do not care about updates for any part of their business.

Zero stars.

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